Shipping Policy
Shipping policy
As a leading global online retailer, we ship thousands of orders daily all over the world. Just buy and enjoy our great service, we ship direct to your door.
Most items will be processed in 24 hours. Some may take longer if your order includes popular items experiencing stock availability issues, then your order can take between 5-10 business days to process. If you need it urgently or have another issue, you can get help from our Support Team
Note: In orders with more than one item, the processing time will be based on the item with the longest processing time.
Once 'packed/fulfilled' orders may not be changed or canceled.
Shipping :
We partner with major international shipping companies like DHL, UPS, USPS, FedEx, IB, JCEX, and EMS.
Shipping Method |
Country or Region |
Arrive within 1-7 Days |
Arrive within 8-15 Days |
Arrive within 16-30 Days |
Arrive within 31-45 Days |
Average Time (Days) |
Flat Rate Shipping (Free Shipping) |
United States |
0.52% |
23.78% |
69.62% |
5.87% |
19.2 |
Canada, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Germany, Ukraine, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland |
1.58% |
35.8% |
56.84% |
5.57% |
21.92 |
Russia, Italy, Argentina, Chile, Mexico |
0% |
11.50% |
70.29% |
16.21% |
26.6 |
Japan, Korea |
0% |
21.30% |
68.80% |
9.66% |
15.95 |
Brazil |
0% |
0% |
23.91% |
72.09% |
38.6 |
Thailand, Singapore & Malaysia |
0% |
18.38% |
54.27% |
25.34% |
19.03 |
Other countries |
0.7% |
38.79% |
47.94% |
8.56% |
23.57 |
If you do not receive your package based on the above estimates. Please kindly submit a ticket to our Support Team.